The Brahminy Kite hang out for a good half hour just flying around and sitting on a tree branch. While my camera isn't good you can see the distinctive white head it has. Close up it looks like this.
Its beautiful to watch him circle and follow the breeze. The Swifts sometimes fly at him to shoo him away (probably from eating their chicks) but it doesn't seem to bother him.
We met another Emerald Dove. This one was very relaxed and continued wandering about looking for food even though we were just metres away.
I took lots of photographs but they are all blurry as I was too excited to see the dove! He is very very handsome and colourful.
The same day we saw the Emerald Dove we also saw this group of 5 Laughing Thrush also looking for food amongst the leaf litter. This fellow was curious about me too!
The Laughing Thrush 'chatter' to each other while they forage, I guess to keep track of their family members.