No birdies to report but I've been chasing squirrels! Here are some of the squirrels I met (pictures courtesy of the Mr. as I was too busy squealing at the squirrels in happiness).

Hands clasped over the stomach in action intended to gain food from us (nope, sorry, you are a wild squirrel, you must find your own). Eastern Gray Squirrel.

This handsome striped fellow is the Golden-mantled ground squirrel. He is really really small compared to the Gray squirrel (and also really really cute).

He stopped to eat something...before darting back into the undergrowth of the tree

Here he is sitting on a rock beside the path - you can see how tiny he is!

The most friendly gray squirrel to date came right up to the camera lens to check if we really didn't have any food.

A little squirrel in a big world

Yep, that's an albino Gray squirrel (we later saw another one). Its a beautiful creamy colour.
We also saw very briefly what looked like a Groundhog grazing on some roadside clearing out in the suburbs. No picture though as it saw us and run away really fast. It was quite big and was a rich brown colour.
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